22 July 2011

Red Owl Mushroom Farm

If you want to find out more about my other life as the partner to a mushroom farmer, check out redowlmushroomfarm.wordpress.com or the Red Owl Mushroom Farm page on Facebook. Lots of gorgeous pictures of oyster mushrooms and up to date info on which species we'll have at each farmers market and how to get grow-your-own-mushroom kits to grow delicious, healthy and wacky-looking food at home!


  1. Thanks for this recent post. I wasn't sure if you guys were still growing mushrooms for local farmer's markets. The wordpress website looks like it's no been updated recently and I'm not a facebooker. How else can I learn which markets will have your mushrooms. I am most interested in lion's mane.

    I like this blog :)

    1. Hi A*, thanks for your comment! We closed the mushroom farm down a few years ago to pursue other career paths. But I love lion's mane too! They're so delicious sauteed and dunked in melted butter! We're looking forward to the time when we can start growing them again, but for now we're scouring farmer's markets to buy them too :-) Best of luck!
